Gene Expression Data Analysis Suite (GEDAS)


·        Description or interpretation: Histogram is most popular visualization technique in array data mining, and can be applied to visualization of gene expression data also.  This representation is useful in giving a comparative/quantitative/qualitative visualization of the parameters and is used in the visualization of raw data and pre-processed data.  In a specific case, it has been applied to PCA also, e.g., the following figure shows the histogram of PCA applied on the breast cancer data.

·        Complexity: A histogram can be generated in O(n2)

·        Special considerations/features:  A line connecting the mid point of the bars could be generated to represent line graph.

·        Advantages and drawbacks:  Histogram is very primitive and provides limited statistical information compared to other techniques



Figure: The histogram is the most fundamental visualization of gene expression data and can be applied to all forms of datasets

